
30 June, 2018

Did not took long for us to notice that Kevin and Yuli have unique preferences towards their couple session. To cater their needs, a wondrous island with its magical hue became the perfect place for this peculiar couple.

It was a sunny day in Bintan, Kevin and Yuli wandered around the island gracefully as if they were dancing on a marbled floor. It was perfect.

Their affection for each other is obvious, so as their admiration to the stunning place. Slowly, both were absorbed by the scenery and captured as a whole at the peak of sand dunes.


30 June, 2018

Did not took long for us to notice that Kevin and Yuli have unique preferences towards their couple session. To cater their needs, a wondrous island with its magical hue became the perfect place for this peculiar couple.

It was a sunny day in Bintan, Kevin and Yuli wandered around the island gracefully as if they were dancing on a marbled floor. It was perfect.

Their affection for each other is obvious, so as their admiration to the stunning place. Slowly, both were absorbed by the scenery and captured as a whole at the peak of sand dunes.